Wat Chaiwatthanaram

HomeLandmarkWat Chaiwatthanaram




Ayutthaya is definitely on most people’s lists when having a getaway from the bustling town of Bangkok. The ancient town retrieves what lives were like in the dazzling capital city nearly 700 years ago. And yes, even though the fall of the Ayutthaya empire destroyed the city down to a great length. 67 temples and ruins from the old day still stand against time, and these are for you to discover. From endless number of attractions, Wat Chaiwatthanaram is one of the most iconic temples that is considered as a must-visit. Here, enjoy the impressive architectural design from the ancient time and the relaxing scenery along the west bank of Chao Phraya River.

Wat Chaiwatthanaram means the temple of long reign and glorious era, and this was pretty much true. Back in nearly 400 years ago, Chaiwatthanaram Temple was built by King Prasart Thong, King of Ayutthaya, as the first temple of his dynasty. However, it is still debated til these days whether the King commanded the construction as a of making merit to his foster-mother, or to actually mark the victory over Angkor. The majestic architecture of this temple took over 20 years to build. Every bit and corner is done delicately, so visit and take a closer look. 

Walking inside, you will come across the Khmer-style Buddhist architectures which were used to perform the religious event for the royals back in the day. In this spacious area, you will discover a 35 metres tall Prang, surrounded by four smaller ones. One of the most fascinating parts is the 12 paintings decorated along the chapels path. Here, you can uncover the traditional stories telling the life of the Buddha. So, if you are a fan of arts and history, this is definitely the right place for you! Looking for a more laid-back vibe? Stroll further and visit the ordination hall. Enjoy the cool breeze from the river, and take a glimpse at the ashes of King Prasart Thong’s mother at the nearby Chedi.

If you would love to know more, don’t miss driving along Prasart Thong Road and visit the magnificent Bang Pa-In Palace. At King Prasart Thong’s summer palace, the stunning building is located in a large Versailles-esque garden. Take a look at the enchanted Aisawan Thiphya, a floating pavilion in the middle of the ornamental pond. 

There is so much more to be explored at this stunning historical city of Ayutthaya. Plenty of attractions are there for you to choose. Explore the city with a local, and unveil the best part of the city, that might be hidden in the mists of time.

TakeMeTour's Review

Wat Chaiwatthanaram has a small entrance fee of 50THB per person. You can also buy a 6-temples pass for a cheaper overall price. When visiting the chapel, do not forget to read the stories right by walking clockwise. Inside, take the stairs up to the balcony with a pathway decorated with over 120 Buddha sculptures. However, nearly all of the sculptures’ heads were cut off except two. So, go on a little searching journey and find them! Don’t forget to try some delicious local food at Ayothaya Floating Market. Or, if you are looking for a chilling night out, you definitely need to add the dazzling Ayutthaya Night Market to your travel plan!

Visit Wat Chaiwatthanaram with a Local